This week, the 7th Graders explored Headwaters Trail. It’s one of Moscow Mountain’s most famous trails both for its accessibility and beauty. The crew hiked through sweeping banks of fog that hid rays of sun, which escaped through to the forest floor from time to time. We played games like “camouflage” and “big booty,” and cultivated a strong sense of togetherness.

In the afternoon, light rain began to fall on us. We entered into a period of silence for “solo hikes,” during which each student hiked alone in silence for about a quarter mile. We observed the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings we encounter while in the forest, and reflected on the things that we are grateful for. At the end of the hike, tired and wet, we were ready for warmth and relaxing. It was a wonderful day in the forest!

The stats: 938 ft. of elevation gain and loss over roughly 5 miles.

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