Quail Call February 12, 2019
Director’s Note *New School Update* – Please read the latest email update from our director regarding our new school building. You can also access the letter at this link.
After School Pick Up – Please ensure that you have a clear after school plan for your child, and that your child is aware of that plan each day. Any change in regular dismissal plans should be communicated to the office by noon. We appreciate students being picked up from school by 3:00. Office staff are unable to provide after school child care.

Flu Season is Upon Us – This year is an unusually bad year for the cold/flu season and we are experiencing significantly low attendance. In order to help prevent the spread of illness, please keep sick children at home. Children must be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of any type of medication before they return to school. The epidemiologist from Public Health recommends the following – please wash hands often at home, disinfect with cleaners that kill the flu virus, and if you haven’t already, get the flu vaccination. It seems to be a good match this year, thus providing good prevention.
Chess Club Canceled – Due to illness in several of our crews, chess club will be canceled Wednesday, February 13. Our apologies for the short notice.
Blooming Culture! You can now watch the brand new 9-minute film Blooming Culture: a story about a canoe and the confluence of cultures online! Directed by PPCS graduate Avery Caudill, this film tells the powerful story of the 2017-18 4th grade crew who built a canoe and actively participated in the resurgence of the traditional canoe movement throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Intent to Return forms have been emailed, you won’t find them in your students’ backpacks. The form will be a fillable pdf that you can download and save with your family name, fill out, then email back. If you did not receive this email please contact the office so we can get you a copy or download the form.
Teacher Work Day – Friday, February 15 is a Teacher Work Day. There will be no school. An Art Camp will be held that day. Registration is limited. If you would like to have your student attend, please register with the office no later than February 13. Payment is due at time of registration.
Schoola Clothing Drive – Help raise funds for Palouse Prairie by donating women’s and children’s clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories that were purchased for $30 or more and have NO DAMAGE for resale by Schoola. PPCS receives a portion of the proceeds! Please deliver donations to PPCS by February 15.
Jazz Choir Performance coming to PPCS February 19. Performance will be held in the Multipurpose room from 8:55 – 9:20 am. Parents are welcome to come watch!

Valentine’s Day is coming up and you might be wondering how PPCS celebrates it. Our school chooses to celebrate learning and does not take the time out of the day to celebrate holidays. However, teachers may celebrate their CREW through appreciations or other team building activities that day.
Photos for the Yearbook! The Parent Crew is looking for photos for the yearbook. Please submit photos from last spring or this fall and winter to ppcsparentcrew@gmail.com. If you have a large amount send an email to the same address asking for a link to drag and drop photos. The deadline is March 1!
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